Litigation Support

Are you upset by an unfair tax assessment?

Perhaps I can help

I was trained by some of the best state tax attorneys on this planet.

Maryann Gall, Terry Cosgrove, Chris Dicharry, Aaron Young

During my last decade at Williams my sole responsibility was to manage state income tax audits and litigation.

My mentors taught me how to detect and trace down the pertinent facts.

In Montana I was certified and testified as an expert witness before the Montana State Tax Appeals Board. I have also testified in Louisiana District Court and before the Utah State Tax Commission and the Oklahoma Tax Commission. I have had appeals conference meetings with a number of jurisdictions and the Multistate Tax Commission.

A State Tax Attorney (left) and a State Tax Accountant (right), disguised as long haired locals out in the wilderness of Montana, test the fourth prong of the Complete Auto Transit case. It should be noted that in response to this simple request, no government services were provided. Accordingly it appears that adequate grounds to retry the Commonwealth Edison case may exist.